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Ways to Donate
The Trust runs on individual Donations. When you donate to Abha, 95% of every rupee you give in cash and 100% of that you give in Kind – goes directly to serve the poor and the needy. Abha is audited annually. To maintain the highest standard of Transparency and Financial Accountability we maintain open Financial record and audited financial statements are available on request , mail us at abhaindia@rediffmail.com.
Donate and gift a child a chance to Education :
Rs 1000 / Per Child / Per project
(This is an estimated expenditure for a child in a project which is floated from time to time ).

However, there is no minimum criteria for donation, any amount is welcome.

Your gift will give a child an year in school and a chance to succeed in life.
Building a Beautiful Mind for Children: In today’s world, knowledge is power, skill is power, courage is power and above all, education is power. Good schools with adequate amenities upgrades the quality of overall education.
Please Sponsor These : Potable Drinking Water, Hygienic Sanitary Facilities, School Playground, Library and any other facilities you feel is necessary.
Donations may be in Cash or Kind, Demand Draft, Cheque, Online Fund Transfer. Cheque/Demand Draft may be drawn favoring “Abha” payable at KOLKATA.
We keep your personal and financial information strictly confidential as your privacy is important for us.

For any further clarification you may mail us at abhaindia@rediffmail.com or contact us at 91-9432345525 / 91-9874922841